The red doors leading to the sanctuary are on the east side of the building with the bell tower. On the Opera Street side of the church is a handicap accessible door that opens into an elevator that leads to the sanctuary.
On the west side of the building by the playground are also red doors that lead to stairs and an elevator. Go to the 2nd floor and turn right, going past the Parish Hall and around a hallway that leads to the front of the sanctuary.
You will be greeted by ushers who will give you a church bulletin for that day's service. Choose a seat that you are most comfortable with. After the service, you can place your bulletin in a basket for recycling.
Throughout the service, if you are not familiar with the Episcopal worship style, there will be standing, sitting, kneeling. Do not be concerned if you can't follow what to do. We're Episcopalians, so we're good with people doing all of the above, or not.
Some people bow before they take their seats, some don't. Some people cross themselves, some don't. Some people bow to the cross as it moves through the processional, some don't. Participate as you are comfortable. We're just glad you're worshipping with us.
The early service at 8am has no music. It is a spoken service only. The 10:45am service has music.
The Holy Eucharist, or communion, takes place at each service. You will be instructed when to go forward to receive it. You may decline. When you go toward the communion rail, wait for a space that is open. If you do not want communion, simply cross your arms over your heart and you will receive a blessing. If you wish to partake, cup your hands and wait for the priest to serve you. You may either drink from the Common Cup, dip your host (the bread) in the Common Cup, or decline by crossing your hands over your heart. After you have been served, you may return to your seat.
Don't worry if you don't get the hang of things at first. Eventually you will and whatever you decide to participate in or is up to you.
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