Prayer and Worship
The first rule to your first visit is don’t worry–just be yourself! God loves you as you are and so do we. Dress however you feel comfortable. If you get lost, don’t panic. Allow the liturgy (another name for the worship service) to carry you. To prepare, you can check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
We gather each Sunday morning to worship God, to thank God for the blessings of this life, and to pray for the needs of the world. The 8:00 am service is contemplative, without hymns, and with intentional periods of silence. The 10:45 am service includes the choir with traditional hymns, as well as a children’s sermon. Both services include a sermon and Holy Eucharist, otherwise called Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper. Each service gives us a glimpse into the beauty of God and sends us out into the world in witness to God’s love for all.
We believe music is part of the language of God. Its beauty grounds us in the present moment even as it lifts our hearts to heaven. Music at St. Luke’s is provided by our choir and led by our organist. Anyone is welcome to sing in our choir; no prior experience is necessary. The choir rehearses on Sunday morning before the service and midweek on Wednesdays for those who can make it.
Worship takes us all, and we all have a role to play. Many people work hard to make Sunday morning worship happen. The choir prepares music weekly for the 10:45 service. The Altar Guild sets up the altar and makes sure everything is ready for the Eucharist. Our ushers greet everyone who comes for worship. Our servers and acolytes assist the priest in the liturgy. If you would like to help with any of these ministries, we invite you to contact us at the office or at
All children are welcome in worship. We don’t mind noise, and in fact, we believe they are worshiping God in their own way. After all, didn’t Jesus say to let the little children come to him? But for those who prefer it or just need a little quiet time away, we have a nursery available on Sunday mornings in the undercroft of the church for children ages newborn-5 years.
We pray Morning Prayer Monday-Thursday at 9:00 am in the side chapel. A service of Bible readings and prayers, it lasts about 20 minutes and can be attended in person or online. It prepares us to face the day, rooted in God’s grace, goodness, and love for us and the whole world.