Pastoral Care
At St. Luke’s, we take prayer seriously. If you would like us to remember you or someone you love in prayer, please let us know. We are happy to put you on our prayer list.
If you are sick or homebound and would like Communion, please let us know. We are happy to arrange a visit with you. In addition, Fr. Mark is happy to find a time to meet with you at your home to get to know you better. Reach out to set up a time.
None of us walks this path alone, and sometimes we need a listening ear along the way. Fr. Mark is available for the Reconciliation of a Penitent, commonly called Confession, by appointment. Reach out to him directly. In addition, while Fr. Mark is not a certified spiritual director, he is happy to meet with you for a pastoral conversation and to point you to additional resources that may be able to help.
The Pastoral Care Team consists of Fr. Mark and a group of dedicated lay volunteers who are called to support members of St. Luke’s and their families through difficult times. They do this by praying daily, sending cards, and arranging visits. If you would like to join the pastoral care team, please reach out to us.
Sometimes we need to feel ourselves wrapped up in God’s goodness, grace, and love. Our prayer shawl ministry consists of volunteers who create beautiful shawls for those going through difficult times. The shawls are prayed over by members of the parish as they come up for Communion, and then blessed by the priest. If you or someone you know could use a prayer shawl, please let us know.