Since the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Eucharist has been an ancient rite of the church. The Bread of Heaven and the Cup of the Lord in the sacrament of Communion nourish our remembrance of Christ.
As we worship weekly, the sacred texts, the rhythms of the church year, and the bonds of Christian community have a way of saturating our spirits with God's peace, love, and light.
Supplication, intercession, worship, and communion. This is the act of intimacy with God as we pray the Daily Office, an ancient pattern of regular Christian devotion drawn from The Book of Common Prayer.
Morning prayer in the chapel each morning, Monday through Thursday, and Evening prayer each Thursday strengthen our devotion and love for God.
There is mystery to explore. Knowledge to increase. Spirit, mind, and body entrusted to us to nurture. We learn. We examine. We think. We are people of the page. We are dedicated to a lifetime journey of growth and curiosity. We are committed to follow Christ's example, increasing in knowledge and wisdom over the course of a lifetime.
Our church provides sanctuary for us to stay rooted and ground in God's love. Beyond our sanctuary is a world in need that we have been called to serve. To love others as we love ourselves. To do unto others as we want them to do to us. We have been given the joy and honor of serving each other and our community. This is our faith in action.
With open hearts and open hands, we are called and privileged to financially support St. Luke's ministries. By doing so, we lovingly provide the resources to operate responsibly, serve joyfully, and invest in the beautiful missions before us. We give generously as part of our spiritual practice.